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  • Writer's pictureLaxmi Mathur

About Customer Database Management


About Customer Database Management

Surprisingly, many people misunderstand that customer database management is software. Dispel this idea right away! We agree that some tools help you simplify it, but that’s not all.


Customer data management is a complete process. In it, store owners and departments in charge will collect, store, and perform B2B customer analysis. The purpose of these tasks is to define the desires and pain points of buyers, thereby finding a solution to their problem.

Along with this, smooth customer database management also helps to ensure better customer satisfaction and engagement levels. In other words, B2B database management involves collecting, analyzing, organizing, and sharing customer information in your wholesale company.

Wait! B2B customer database management is not just a list of customer names, phone numbers, or emails. You need to do much more! For example, you need to segment your customer list into groups based on various criteria such as age, gender, and loyalty.

Depending on your sales objective for these audiences, your customer groups will receive appropriate incentives to entice them to come back to the store next time.

If you are offering products to different customer groups, then the optimization of your customer database management system should be promoted.

Imagine you collect 2 different types of customers through the same input. You will spend time and resources on B2B customer segmentation. What a cumbersome process, right? Why don’t you classify customers right from the registration stage when you are capable of doing so?

Customer Database Management is Important for B2B Companies

Don’t Underestimate the Value of Customer Data

Let’s take a look at the following real story to understand the importance and efficient management of customer data for the growth of your B2B business.


You are a supplier of beverages to a number of wholesalers. After working for a while, you discover that most of your customers prefer to buy lemon juice. This allows you to define your future business strategy, focusing on promoting lemon-flavoured products by remarketing with old customers and generating new leads.

This time, customer data brings forth its advantages. If you don't store the customer database carefully or don't have a large enough database, on what basis do you decide the most popular drink?

Get closer to your B2B customers

In this way, it can be easily seen that customer data helps you understand your customers better. Collecting and creating a customer data system will help businesses personalize interactions and maximize customer satisfaction.

In the context that B2B e-commerce is proliferating, wholesale customers need a convenient but professional purchasing process. This presents challenges for businesses in data management and provides an opportunity to obtain various types of customer information to analyze and make decisions about customers.

Evaluating the results means that the enterprise has understood the insight of the customers' needs. Thus, the next thing a B2B business needs to do is to create a marketing strategy that can "hit" on that insight to reach the audience you want to reach.

How to get companies' database in Excel Format

77 Data provides you with all types of databases in a very detailed format. It provides a business and industry database. The data contains mobile numbers, emails, websites, company names, services and product names in Excel.

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