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  • Writer's pictureLaxmi Mathur

Essential B2B website metrics you need to track


Tracking every metric may seem tempting, but many don’t provide useful information. To effectively optimize your B2B website, it’s essential to focus your efforts on the metrics that really matter.

B2B Website Metrics That Deserve Your Attention

Most resources on this topic will tell you to look at vanity metrics like bounce rate, time on site, and pages per session. With the right context, such metrics can provide some insight, but they fail to capture the true measure of your website’s success – its impact on revenue and business growth.

To understand your website’s contribution to your organization’s profits, you need to start measuring its direct impact on revenue. From there, work backwards to identify the key indicators that impact future revenue.

A revenue-focused approach lets you prioritize metrics that relate directly to business growth.

1. Commercial metrics

The lifeblood of any B2B company is its ability to generate revenue and build a strong sales pipeline. Looking at commercial metrics first gives you an idea of ​​whether your website is helping to meet the business’s overall revenue and sales goals.

a) Revenue generated from your website

Tracking the number of people you convert into customers through your website and who generate revenue for your business is the best indicator of success.

This means that your website attracts visitors, engages them and converts them into leads who later become customers.

How will you measure it?

To track website revenue generation, you will need the right software. You will need:

Website forms that capture contact information and other tracking details.

A system that can segment leads and identify the leads that came from your website forms.

Integration with your CRM system (either natively or through a third-party solution), which holds pipeline and revenue data. This integration lets you link website leads to their opportunities and determine if they resulted in closed-won deals.

b) Pipeline generated from your website

If you’re waiting to see the impact of changes to the website on revenue, monitoring the pipeline can provide information about success earlier while it’s still tied to commercial value.

How will you measure it?

This works just like revenue tracking, you will need:

Website forms that capture contact information and other tracking details

A system that can segment leads and identify leads that come from your website forms.

Integration with your CRM system (either natively or through a third-party solution), which contains pipeline and revenue data. This integration lets you link website leads to their opportunities in the pipeline.

c) High-intent leads generated from your website

A high-intent lead is someone who has shown a clear interest in what you have to offer. This is often done through:

  • Contact form inquiries

  • Book demo forms

  • Free trial requests

High-intent leads convert into revenue at a higher rate, making it an excellent website metric to monitor. It can be measured and seen immediately, meaning it can be directly attributed to any website changes you implement, as any modifications will ultimately impact conversion rates.

2. Traffic metrics

Website traffic is a key indicator of how effectively you are creating and capturing demand. Successful marketing efforts should mean an increase in the number of website visitors across all channels.

When analysing website traffic, it’s important to take a holistic and detailed approach, examining the overall trend as well as trends across specific sources, such as:

Segmenting website traffic by source gives a more realistic picture of where your visitors are coming from, preventing the data from being skewed too much by a single channel. For example, if you spend an extra £10,000 on paid search in a month, it’s important to understand that the increase in traffic has originated from that specific source.

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